What You Need to Know About Cannabis Defoliation

cannabis defoliation

Thinking about increasing the normal yield of your beloved cannabis plant? That’s easy. There’s a way to achieve that and you can definitely deal with it on your own. Defoliation is a term related to plants and their healthy growth. Here’s what you need to know about cannabis defoliation.

Cannabis is a plant although it’s a lot more wonderful and useful than others. It could be considered a magic herb to some for bringing the cure to some medical conditions and some recreational sensations, too. That is why many breeders and growers take the time, money, and effort to possess a high amount of cannabis in every harvest.

What You Need To Know About Cannabis Defoliation

Science can explain why defoliation has to occur in every plant such as cannabis. Think of the leaves that plants grow since the time they were planted until they grow tall and beautiful. Those leaves also become old and big that there will a time when it must fall and wither, too.

Leaves of plants serve as a reservoir of energy that it creates during the photosynthesis. Likewise, they are also the parts that are responsible for keeping the nutrients needed by the plants, too. Plants are capable of surviving after bad weather because of their leaves that act as protection.

As cannabis plants grow taller and have more leaves, they also require more energy and nutrients. In such a case, leaves now become a hindrance for the buds to flourish since it tends to block the airflow. With proper defoliation through pruning or trimming, you can definitely help your plants.

However, in performing this step, it is necessary also to be very careful because it might stress the plant. Only the unwanted leaves should be removed and not too much. If you think that your plant is already too dense or thick, pruning those leaves all at once will not help. The best thing to do is to prune in batches.

Also, the timing for trimming or pruning should be right. Usually, most cannabis growers would start their first trimming after 3 to 4 weeks after it was planted. Then, after another week will be the second trimming which should be the last as well. Doing it twice is normally what plants would require.

Benefits of Cannabis Defoliation

Defoliation may take some time. Even other plants aside from cannabis need it every once in a while, too. Cannabis growers do this to their plants because of the various benefits it brings. Some of those advantages are listed below:

1.       It helps plants focus their energy on bud development.

Imagine your hair that you suddenly decided to cut after a few months that it grew so long. After a while, you start becoming healthier both inside and outside. That is because the body, just like the stem of plants, gets to have less to work on for energy and nutrients. Leaves are like your hair that partakes from everything that the plant gets, too. With defoliation, plants will have better airflow and nutrient consumption.

2.       It gives better chance at performing different functions of plants such as photosynthesis.

Plants’ being too dense with leaves is unhealthy because it only means that the inner parts of your crops do not receive enough light and air anymore. Such elements are also very important with photosynthesis and the rest of the functions that plants must fulfill for themselves. Pruning is required so that the bud sites that are shaded by unwanted leaves, optimal results can be achieved. Light and air aid in faster and easier growth of the flower buds, too.

3.       It lessens the occurrence of plant issues like buds that rot.

Too much moisture and humidity can be bad to crops especially when they are grown inside a greenhouse or a room. The proper airflow that pruning provides to cannabis removes the chance of water in some leaves to evaporate, too. Pests and insects that feed on green leaves will be minimal as well since there will be less to eat in your plants.

Characteristics of Plants that Need Defoliation

Before planning to prune crops, it is important that you observe first those that need it. There are some traits and signs to look for to tell when and how to prune them.

Important Reminders on Defoliating Cannabis Plants

1.       Seedlings or plants that are still in the clone stage must be kept untouched and not given defoliation yet.

2.       The vegetative stage can be considered a proper time for defoliation particularly when the crops already are grown leaves and branches.

3.       Flowering is the stage when plants reach the end of their development. Defoliation can still be performed so that the energy will be concentrated on the important parts of the crop because flowering plants no longer develop any new branches or nodes.

4.       Plants that are already in the flowering stage will naturally defoliate by itself. Leaves begin to fall because of reaching their maturation.

Final Thoughts

Cannabis and other plants require some help from its growers. They cannot help themselves grow all alone. That is why keeping mind these important reminders in performing defoliation is necessary. Your efforts will pay off and you’ll get the reward you deserve at the end of the process, too. Love your plants and smile at the huge harvest you will get afterward. Notice better and more buds growing from your crops when you do this process properly. May this article on what you need to know about cannabis defoliation serve you well in your weed cultivation journey. 

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