Treating Cannabis Nutrient Deficiency the Right Way

cannabis nutrient deficiency

Cannabis, just like us humans, needs a variety of healthy nourishment to develop and overcome struggles. To function fully, cannabis required an equilibrium of nutrients to perform its natural processes. If there is an insufficient amount of nutrients required, the growth and development of the cannabis plants will be affected significantly. 

This phenomenon is called cannabis nutrient deficiency, wherein the plants are adversely affected in terms of production, appearance, growth, and functioning when nutrients are deficient. All types of growing systems are all affected by this including soil, hydroponics, coco coir, aeroponics, rock wool, and many others. However, this is most prevalent in the hydroponic growing system. 

How To Treat Cannabis Nutrient Deficiency the Right Way

Cannabis requires various nutrients and a possibility of deficiency is highly apparent to arise. Below are the common signs of specific cannabis nutrient deficiency and how to treat them accordingly. 

1. Nitrogen Deficiency

Nitrogen is a micronutrient that serves a major part in the process of photosynthesis and assists in protein formation. Typically, when a plant is showing cannabis nutrient deficiency, specifically in nitrogen, the plant’s leaves will appear to be yellowish and eventually dropping off. It could also lead to a reduction in output. 


When dealing with nitrogen deficiency, you can try manure, fish meal, or alfalfa. Also, maintain the pH level of soil at around 6.0 to 6.5 at all times. Application of a compost tea is suggested as well to fix the cannabis nutrient deficiency and never forget to increase the nitrogen present in the compost by putting grass clippings and scraps.

2. Phosphorus Deficiency 

A macronutrient, phosphorus is a mobile nutrient that performs vital functions in the process of photosynthesis and the formation of essential protein. Phosphorus is also a component of DNA that has a significant purpose as well. This type of cannabis nutrient deficiency will demonstrate through discoloration of stems turning them into purple or red. The leaves will also show signs of brown spots and dryness. 


Opt for the highest pH level optimal range to give the cannabis plants capacity to absorb much easier. You may try adding fish meal and worm casting the soil to further provide nutrition. High phosphate fertilizer made from organic materials is also recommended to use. One important note as well as you might be overwatering the plants that cause cannabis nutrient deficiency, thus make sure to water it when the topsoil is already dry sufficiently.

Moreover, when plants are exposed to a lower temperature, they take a harder time to absorb phosphorus hence it is recommended to transfer it to a warmer location if possible. Finally, soil made from well-aerated particles helps in the phosphorus absorption rate of plants. 

3. Potassium Deficiency 

The third macronutrient that helps in the regulation of carbon dioxide during photosynthesis is potassium. Apart from that, it also assists in the production of energy called ATP. When a cannabis plant is affected by this particular cannabis nutrient deficiency, it will demonstrate an appearance of brownish or yellowish leaves around its edges and a tip portion. It will eventually curl up and stretch.


Once you discover that your cannabis plants are manifesting such signs of cannabis nutrient deficiency, you can flush the growing area with water and adjust its pH level because this could due to a lockout of nutrients from entering plants. You may likewise add the soil with chicken manure and spray it with foliar apart made from organic seaweed. Finally, make sure that the plants are not over-watered. 

4. Calcium Deficiency

Calcium is an important micronutrient in maintaining healthy cannabis plants by maintaining the cell walls of the plant together. If cannabis nutrient deficiency is present, it could show an incorrect formation of new grown roots and leaves. 


Supplement the cannabis plants with cal-mag and adjust the pH level within a 6.2 degree. You may also add hydrated lime in around a teaspoonful to four liters of water and utilize it during the watering schedule. Finally, add some worm casting to the soil and help the plant with its cannabis nutrient deficiency

5. Magnesium Deficiency

A vital micronutrient in the process of photosynthesis, magnesium is part of chlorophyll molecules and assist in the light absorption of the plant. When cannabis nutrient deficiency is happening, specifically in magnesium, the cannabis will exhibit yellowish leaves with apparent dryness and eventually turn to brown. The plant will appear to be in worse health if least untreated. 


Always maintain the pH level of the soil within a favorable degree. If not balance, flush the soil with water at a 6.0 level of pH. A great provider of magnesium, the Epsom salt can be added to four liters of water. Just add at least one to two teaspoons of Epsom salt until the deficiency is fixed. Finally, you can incorporate manure into the compost to enhance magnesium levels.  

6. Boron Deficiency

A type of cannabis nutrient deficiency that may interrupt the division of the cell, or loss of integrity in the cell walls of plants, boron deficiency is a crucial issue that requires an immediate solution. If cannabis plants are affected by the lack of boron, it will manifest a reduction in fertility, deficiency in turgor, meristems are halted and vegetation is poorly achieved. The new sprout of leaves will become twisted and wilt, while it demonstrates discoloration. 


Try flushing the soil to achieve a balanced level of pH. Also, you can fix this type of cannabis nutrient deficiency by adding boric acid around a teaspoon full into four liters of water, and water it to the affected plants. Maintain to water them according to schedule but make sure you also don’t overwater it. Finally, you may add on the compost some apples, broccoli, and bananas. 

7. Molybdenum Deficiency

A not-so-popular nutrient in a cannabis plant is molybdenum. This nutrient serves a function in converting nitrate into ammonia. This compound is utilized in the creation of amino acids that will progressively evolve to proteins. When the plants experience cannabis nutrient deficiency, particularly in the scarcity of molybdenum, it will exhibit reddish and pinkish color when there are new sprouts show up. The old leaves will transform from healthy green into yellowish color with spots. 


Regardless of being a rare issue to encounter, this type of cannabis nutrient deficiency can be treated by maintaining the pH level of the soil between 6.0 to 6.5. Occasionally, you can add in the compost some grains, nuts, or peas. You may also try flushing the soil with a correctly adjusted pH level water and use a foliar spray with seaweed contents. 

Final Words

When you deal with cannabis nutrient deficiency correctly, the significant apparent changes in the physical appearance of the cannabis plants will eventually discontinue. To prevent it from happening, make sure to keep an eye on each stage of the growing process of the plants. Write down some changes happening to your plants and use the guide above to determine the issue specifically. 

In the application of the treatments suggested above and able to restore the natural healthy condition, remember that cannabis plants will likely need a few days to entirely clear up cannabis nutrient deficiency. However, to have lesser chances of encountering cannabis nutrient deficiency, start growing with superior seeds that have strong genetic composition. Usually, this can be purchased in a reliable seed bank.

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