Useful Guide on How to Cure Marijuana

how to cure marijuana

There are no hidden details in developing great cannabis. The ultimate product on cannabis plants is those that come from excellent genetics, thoughtful growing, accurate pruning, on-time trimming, and lastly, a gradual but constant process of curing.

The importance of the last element must never be undervalued. Learning how to cure marijuana is important. The appropriate curing process is the core of developing that flavorful, smooth smoke sesh. 

Understanding Curing Marijuana

Curing marijuana is the last procedure in cultivating and harvesting your dried marijuana flower for usage, regardless if that is through vaping, smoking, edibles, or others. Curing marijuana occurs immediately after harvesting the plant. It is a drawn-out drying procedure that utilizes ecologically regulated conditions to eliminate the moisture from the flowers and permit the terpene and cannabinoid of the plant to become mature.  

Although curing is an essential step, it is sometimes neglected by some growers. Perhaps they do not know that it does a relevant part in marijuana growing as it creates a significant influence on the end quality of the flower. As an analysis, curing and drying marijuana after harvest improves the potency, extends the lifespan, and enhances the smell and flavor.

The process of curing promotes fractional decarboxylation, a method that transforms some compounds into new compounds. For instance, cannabidiolic acid or CBDA slowly becomes CBD while drying, while THCA turns THC. Furthermore, a gradual curing procedure keeps the terpenes, the compounds that provide marijuana its distinct smell and flavor. It guarantees that the exquisite flavor of the flower is more definite.

Marijuana growers should have a full grasp of understanding of the process of curing if they want to experience the joy of excellent-quality marijuana. If you haven’t tried this step before, you will then learn in this article how to carry out the task And soon, you will realize that it is very simple.  

How to Cure Marijuana

To efficiently cure the produced, here are the things that you need to do:

Factors that Influences the Process of Curing

Some elements affect the procedure of how to cure marijuana. You should make yourself acquainted with these factors as this will help you acquire more understanding of what to target and what to go away.

1. Prevent Light Exposure

During the process of curing, you should keep the stash in a dark, cool location. Light is one element that can result in the deterioration of essential molecules like terpenes and THC. To prevent the light from ruining the potency and taste of the flowers, place the containers in a dark box or cardboard.

2. Secure the Stash against Heat

Heat can only become a considerable concern if you are living in a place where the climate is especially hot. Heat is one factor that could result in the deterioration of cannabinoids, conceivably diminishing the potency of the buds. Make sure to place the containers in a cool place to regulate mold formation and damage.

3. Get the Best Humidity

Curing is an easy process knowing you begin with appropriated dried buds. If the stash is very wet before the process of curing, buds may jumble together and there is a great possibility for the mold to take place. Too much moisture may trigger the anaerobic bacteria to begin severing the stash. An evidential indication this is occurring is the odor of ammonia coming out from the container each time you come to open them. 


You do not have to acquire excellent skills to grow marijuana and produce excellent buds at home. Grow conditions and good strains aside, the perfect bud will always require TLC, and there should be no exception in the process of curing. Your dedication to perform the process of curing is very important.

Allocating time to learn how to cure marijuana properly can do great things and could earn you some incredible entitlements, to kick. With the helpful guide above, you can carry out this task with the confidence of doing it properly. You cannot afford the risk of getting a poor-tasting end product because of the fact that you neglected the curing process.

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