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Useful Guide to Growing Cannabis in a Polytunnel
With the recent change in climate in the cannabis landscape, there is an explosion of cannabis growers all across the country. People are now trying to grow their weed in a variety of environment – ...
Ultimate Guide to Growing Weed in Apartment
The "green revolution" is spreading like wildfire as the use of cannabis is legalized in many places. Cannabis enthusiasts have been given to use cannabis for both medical and recreational use. Many ...
Expert Guide to Growing Weed in Aerogarden
Considered a very versatile plant, cannabis can be grown in different growing environments using different methods. Because of that, cannabis enthusiasts have been increasingly interested in growing ...
What to Do With Phosphorus Deficiency in Weed
Growing cannabis can be a fun and rewarding experience. It may seem like an easy task but the truth of the matter is that you may encounter several challenges like common plant diseases that your ...
Male vs Female Marijuana Plants: Spotting the Difference
A dioecious type of plant, marijuana is comprised of the female and male reproductive organs. Despite the similarity in terms of physical characteristics, the distinct genders of marijuana provide ...
Pro Tips on How to Grow Marijuana Bonsai
The quest in producing quality buds and developing new methods of marijuana cultivation is never ceasing. One of the new methods added to the list of growth strategies is marijuana bonsai. Similar ...
Treating Cannabis Nutrient Deficiency the Right Way
Cannabis, just like us humans, needs a variety of healthy nourishment to develop and overcome struggles. To function fully, cannabis required an equilibrium of nutrients to perform its natural ...
How to Get Rid of Cannabis Pests Fast
Similar to other crops, cannabis plants are often downtrodden by the ferocious creatures, sunk for a feast in the field. Hence, whether you are cultivating indoors or outdoors, recognizing the ...
Useful Guide on How to Cure Marijuana
There are no hidden details in developing great cannabis. The ultimate product on cannabis plants is those that come from excellent genetics, thoughtful growing, accurate pruning, on-time trimming, ...
10 Most Common Cannabis Leaf Problems
The trademark marijuana leaf is known all over the world as it represents weed users, their appreciation of marijuana as a recreational and medicinal drug. And it is through the leaves that you can ...